Click on the title of one of the favorite old hymns listed below to join in and sing and play along with us via video. The hymns here are performed on acoustic folk instruments. (So far we have autoharp, banjo, banjolele, banjomandolin, fiddle, flute, guitar, mandolin, piano, spoons, and ukulele - but keep watching. We're adding more regularly!) They're presented in different group formats - from solos and duets all the way to a whole roomful of folk jamming!
Find a familiar hymn or pick one you haven't heard before. The (easy!) chords and lyrics are included on the screen, so you can play along, or, if you prefer, you can print out the sheet music and follow along that way.
Use these to practice your instrument, get experience playing with a group, prepare for your own performance, expand your repertoire, or simply for fun. The more you play, the better you get. You'll soon find that you hear the chord changes coming without even looking at the screen.
Also, please give us feedback. We'd love to hear how you're using the site. When you learn one of the tunes, make a video and share it with us. We'll post it on the "You Do It!" page to share with the world. We're excited about your progress!
This Week's Most Visited Pages
1. Ship Ahoy!
2. Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
4. Hold to God's Unchanging Hand
6. The Beautiful Garden of Prayer
If you click on a video and get a "Not available" message, it's because on September 4, 2024, YouTube inexplicably deleted the channel from which all videos on this site were shared. We have started a new channel and are working toward having the videos restored as soon as possible. We invite you to subscribe to our YouTube Channel to access all videos as soon as they are posted.
Also, in a separate incident, the site that hosts all the lead sheets and tabs on our site was hacked, resulting in most of the music posted here in the last ten years to be deleted. We will have started re-posting them and hope to have them all restored within the next few weeks.
In the meantime, if you need music, tab, or video of specific songs you let us know and we'll try to prioritize them
Amazing Grace
Anchored in Love Divine
The Beautiful Garden of Prayer
Beautiful Isle of Somewhere
Blessed Assurance
Blessed Be the Name
Brethren, We Have Met to Worship
Bring Them In
Brighten the Corner
A Child of the King
The Christian's "Good Night"
Church in the Wildwood
Come Unto Me
Daniel in the Lions' Den
The Glory-Land Way
God Be With You Till We Meet Again
God Leads Us Along
The Hallelujah Side
The Haven of Rest
He Brought Me Out
He Hideth My Soul
Heavenly Sunlight
Home of the Soul
The Home Over There
How Beautiful Heaven Must Be
How Can I Keep From Singing?
I Am Bound for the Promised Land
I Am Resolved (I Will Hasten to Him)
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
I Must Tell Jesus
I Stand Amazed in the Presence
I Want to Be a Worker for the Lord
I Would Not Be Denied
In the Sweet By and By
I've Anchored in Jesus
Jesus Bids Us Shine
Jesus Loves Even Me
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Autoharp)
Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee (Banjo)
Keep on the Sunny Side of Life
Lead Me Gently Home, Father
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms
Like a River Glorious
The Lily of the Valley
Little Brown Church in the Vale
Little Is Much When God Is in It
My Savior's Love
Nearer, My God, to Thee
The Ninety and Nine
No, Not One!
O I Want to See Him
O Worship the King
The Old Account Was Settled Long Ago
The Old Ship of Zion
On Jordan's Stormy Banks I Stand
Rescue the Perishing
Revive Us Again
The Rock That Is Higher Than I
The Royal Telephone
Savior, Like a Shepherd Lead Us
Send the Light!
A Shelter in the Time of Storm
Still Sweeter Every Day
The Stranger of Galilee
Sunshine In My Soul
There Shall Be Showers of Blessing
This Is My Father's World
This World Is Not My Home
Throw Out the Lifeline
The Unclouded Day
We Are Going Down the Valley
We Gather Together
We'll Work Till Jesus Comes
We Will Understand It Better By and By
What Are They Doing In Heaven
When He Cometh (Jewels)
When the Battle's Over We Shall Wear A Crown
When the Roll Is Called Up Yonder
When We All Get To Heaven
Where He Leads I'll Follow
Where We'll Never Grow Old
Will the Circle Be Unbroken?
Wonderful Peace
Wonderful Story of Love